I'm grateful to the editors of these journals for publishing my work:
the lake a maiden, the sky a swain
- The Cape Rock 45.1
Meanwhile, Time
- Rock & Sling 12.1
Typeset Box Poem
- Diode 10:1 (10th Anniv. Issue)
Yield Tell Me
- Extract(s)
Ms. Grim Sets Small Fires Around the House
- SAND 8
- The Literary Review 56:2
“Forgetting is an important device for
maintaining significance”
“toward finitude that language does not suffer”
- Fourteen Hills: The SFSU Review 16.2
- drunken boat 12
teleology toward finality of form
- Versal 8
blink: nobody hurt us
- Quiddity 4:2
noumenal propinquity
minor third
- Kestrel 26
Tyche (a coincidence)
Drama (waking)
Home: (a surprise)
- New CollAge 35
supplicants at the augury
they float in the fore
- The 2River View 14.2
unnamable force in reserve
- Linebreak
Ode Sweetly, Conduit 14Cellar
- jubilat 12
night spokes by
don’t yet go cold there
the downing sun fills the curtain…
- LIT 14
Move me and if not
- The Literary Review 48:4
Primer for Teenage Girls, Part 2
Name What Seizes You
- The Laurel Review 36:2
Dirt Speaks
- Spork 2.2
- Spork 2.2
- Spork 2.2
- ArtWord Quarterly 9
Non sum qualis eram
- 100 Words 6:2
I am (again) doubling/halving/calving
- Barrow Street (Winter 2004)
- Forklift Ohio 13